2020 Was the year of the Covid-19 Pandemic
December 16, 2020 Holiday Virtual Showcase
Hope you’re havin’ fun!
When we first went into lockdown we figured just a few weeks, maybe missing a couple of guest speakers, but still, we’d come right back to business as usual. 100 days in most of us figured we were in for the long haul.
And now, we’re talking terms like “The New Normal”.
We’ve researched how others are working stuff out, and rather than re-invent the wheel, we posted links to other virtual events & open mics. Some of you even attended virtual conferences like TAXI and songwriting camps.
But many of you did not take advantage of these opportunities.
And I kinda get why.
SongNet is a family. There is a trust, a bond, a love that has grown because we have a common point of reference, and the music we share comes from a deep and personal place that you might not want to share with just anyone.
Others are afraid of the technology, of stepping into a new world that is infinitely connected internationally.
Steve & I discussed this, and decided DECEMBER 16th 7:00pm we will have our own Zoom open mic online. We will be open at 6:00 for sound checks and any Zoom details. Kinda a virtual Christmas party. No matter what kind of technology you have, you should be able to participate if you can read this note. Steve and I are familiar with how it all works so we can step you through. If you’ve never done this before, we’ll be happy to help in advance, you’re welcome to email either one of us directly.
We plan to run it a little differently, with two rounds of one song each to be sure everyone is heard even if we have latecomers. We do have members that have moved out of state or overseas so hopefully we will see them here!
And that is the beauty of a virtual showcase like this. There is a chat feature on the side so you can comment to everyone or single out people while the show is happening. You can get artists’ links immediately, and even save the chat to your computer.
We may even save it ourselves, we’ll see about that as well.
Sign up NOW as usual to showcase@songnet.info. We will then send you Zoom details. We will also stream from Zoom to our new YouTube channel.
Lots more being considered for the coming year!
Seeya there!
Steve & Jimi
August Update
Hope you’re doing ok & still maintaining!
We were hoping for a July reboot, but it STILL does not look good.
We got close, but then we got closed.
Worse, some of you know at the beginning of the month one of our local artists passed from Covid. Many of my relatives are on the front lines and they are tired. Some of our SongNet family are in or married into the medical industry, and they have stories.
For me personally, I am reminded of the fragility of life on a daily basis. I am taking a little time to sort through my instruments and keep coming across those that were “willed” to me, and I treasure them for the link they have to those who are no longer around to play with. I am also very aware of how much I am missing all of you, and know how much many of you are missing sharing and interacting together at our events. A while back I posted a list of open mics. Most of those have gone away and not gone online because it takes a whole different mindset. I’ve also been trying to keep up with those that are offered, and a substantial number of you have asked me to start one too. Thank you.
However THIS is a time to make new friends & connections INTERNATIONALLY. I just posted about that on my page. I am compiling a new list of current virtual open mics and so far am attending at least 3 a week on a regular basis. If you want to add to my list or get what I have so far, please DM me on Facebook or email.
We will not be meeting in August either, but I am personally still supporting the venue as if we were there, because I have been making “just enough” selling off gear to keep the spot open.
In fact, I can probably keep it up through the end of the year without asking for donations. Because you are all THAT important, and I know everyone is struggling now to make ends meet, even if that 600.00 bonus gave you a lift, it ain’t forever, and you will probably outlive that paycheck. I am thankful many of you are keeping in touch, through FB, email, text & phone. We are not alone. Though handshakes hugs and physical contact isn’t happening, there are so many other great things that are happening in spite of that.
I recently lost a close cousin, and I am seeing more condolences, memories & posts from others that I might have missed if not for social media. Photos & videos will be shared. If we embrace what we have instead of mourning what is lost we can move forward. I hope to see more of you online, and am really happy to see those of you that are there now!
“Count your Blessings” & we’ll keep you updated!
Jimi, Steve & the SongNet crew
Hey SongNet Family
Hey SongNet family!
We’ve decided to hold off thru the end of the month (at least) before getting together again.
One of our members is married to an MD/PhD VIROLOGIST, so that is a serious discussion that is not skewed for politics.
SongNet is a beautifully diverse family, and it’s easy to overlook those who may be immuno-compromised because we focus on the positive part of every person. The somewhat sudden passing of Raul was a realization we don’t know what may be happening with each other outside of our gatherings.
And though his passing was not C-19 related, Most of us would feel bad if it was OUR cough or even handshake or hug that made him ill & shortened his life. There are already several members that have stopped everything because they are battling illness, and for those that don’t know, chemo strips away most if not all immunity, so a simple common cold can be deadly. I know this because I lost one of my best friends this way.
I respect the right & belief some have about not wearing masks, and I do not want to turn away those who may show up and refuse to wear masks.
But I also respect those who do not want to die, and I have enough experience before this whole thing started to know this is a real deal, even after this is over.
I have severe acid reflux and am prone to coughing, and know I am not contagious. But from now on I will carry a mask in case it flares up, out of courtesy to others.
Seeya in June!

April Events Canceled
Hope you’re doing ok & getting’ stuff done!
I am missing all of you more than ever, but thankfully, most of you are online “social media distancing” so we still have some kind of community!
The “official” guidelines are for everyone to limit contact through April, even though some politicians say otherwise. I believe it’s best to stay on the safe side. Some of you know an artist I worked with a lot recently lost a friend to Covid…his “positive” test confirmed it two days after he passed. And he was much younger than me. Several of my cousins are on the front lines in healthcare & they don’t even have time to tell me how bad it is. I have to hear it from other family members. Sure, the annual flu can kill you too, but this one’s a lot faster acting, and shortness of breath for a musician is not a good thing. Many respected artists & celebrities who have tested positive are quarantining themselves beyond the recommended period just to be safe.
Some of you know I’ve done workshops on alternative revenue streams, hit me back if you need some ideas. Look at the stuff that has been shared on our social media. We will get through this stronger than before, with a better idea of how to keep moving forward when things look different than what we perceived.
We Will have Jeffrey Weber at a future date, and we still have guests lined up for May, June & July.
Thanks for being there, and you’re always welcome to text or email me.
I’m actually really busy with stuff I put off and finally am getting done now!
“Count your Blessings” & seeya soon!
And Steve & the rest of the SongNet staff!
March 18th Awards Night and Showcase Postponed 🙁
A note to our lil’ songwriting family:
Awards nite showcase will be postponed until April 15th.
We still plan to have Jeffrey Weber April first! No Foolin!
And for sure no foolin’ around with this pandemic.
Though it’s impossible to tell what’s really going on in the world, one thing that has been proven, if you get it, it lasts about 2 weeks. And if you are not compromised & take care, odds are you will survive. Unfortunately, illness is one of the things that triggers symptoms you are compromised, so we will be NOT be meeting on the 18th, just missing one event. We will still cover the farm though, because it is their livelihood, and we want to support them.
I noticed many concerts, SXSW, Broadway and more are also taking a couple weeks off to see what the real truth will be. So we are following suit.
We can still share on social media, including songs & stuff until we gather again, soon!
Get your songs ready for JEFFREY WEBER to hear on the first!
Seeya then!
Jimi, Steve & the staff @ SongNet
BTW, please check out our new website @ www.songnet.info!
March 18th, 2020 is Awards Night!
Releasing a physically recorded collection is one of the biggest milestones in an artist’s career. It is a validation that they have created something tangible that is worthy of being shared anywhere in the world.SongNet recognizes the amount of effort, time & resources required to actually get that project to market, so the SongNet Awards nite has become an opportunity for artists to be recognized for their achievement at a special showcase in March, honoring artists who released a PHYSICAL CD in the previous year.To be recognized, artists need to email Jimi directly (jimi@songnet.info) no later than March 1st, & be available to perform 2 or 3 songs live @ the March showcase.Bringing some discs to sell is also important.
This year, we are recognizing Henry Zhao, Diana Green, and Duff Ferguson! We’ll have a little food & yes, a few showcase spots for the rest of us too!

March 18th, 7:30 PM
SongNet Awards Showcase
@ The Urban Homestead
631 Cypress Ave,
Pasadena CA 91103
Near Orange Grove & Fair Oaks
SongNet presents Ben McLane
WEDNESDAY, March 4th, 2020, 7:30-10:00 pm

How often have you heard “Get it in writing”, followed by “GET AN ATTORNEY”? if the wrong things are written, getting it in writing isn’t enough! Ben McLane is one of the most active attorneys in the music industry. You’ll find his name in almost every issue of Music Connection magazine, helping to get someone a deal.
His website has some of the best free FAQ resources around. He gets it, & gets it done. As the former head of business affairs/CFO for JWP-USA/BMG Records, working legal and business affairs at Rhino Records, Priority Records and as a talent scout for Sire Records, Ben is one of the few attorneys who know both sides of the table well. With Attorney of the Year & more gold & platinum record awards than any wall can handle, his cred list reads like a Billboard top 40 chart.
We suggest reading the articles on his site prior to coming so you don’t ask redundant questions. Then, you’ll have some serious specific questions to bring. The kind that usually cost money. Bring your demos & lyric sheets too. If he likes what he hears, you might be next on that client list! Anyone that can afford to give this much away is someone you NEED on YOUR side! “Music Business In 10 Easy Lessons” is his latest e-book, full of great information you need to know! He’s coming to share his knowledge, answer your questions & listen to your stuff… FREE!
Ben McLane at SongNet
March 4th, 7:30 PM
@ The Urban Homestead
631 Cypress ave, Pasadena, CA.
Near Orange Grove & Fair Oaks
February SongNet SHOWCASE!
WEDNESDAY , February 19, 2020, 7:30-10:00pm
One of the most comfortable stages in Southern California to showcase your music! A place to “test drive” your new material and connect with other creatives; songwriters, artists, and performers! Sign
up early if you want to play, 2 songs or 10 minutes per artist! No fee,
no cover, in other words, FREE. RSVP using the Contact Form .
February 19th, 7:30 PM
@ The Urban Homestead
631 Cypress ave, Pasadena, CA.
Near Orange Grove & Fair Oaks
SongNet presents Kenji Nakai of Miyabi Music Publishing
WEDNESDAY, February 5th, 2020, 7:30-10:00 pm

February 5th is a really special night at SongNet.
Renowned engineer/mixer/producer Kenji Nakai who’s engineered Grammy winning projects for legends like Tom Petty & Celine Don, and 40 year industry veteran Jimi Yamagishi have teamed up to start up a new publishing company, Miyabi Music Publishing LLC.
With connections both here in the USA and in Japan, they have options that other companies do not have, and some creative ways to help songwriters move their careers forward.
They also are aligned with other publishers to do co-publishing deals that benefit the entire community.
One of the first artists they are working with just finished her first CD at 82 years of age. Her story is compelling and inspiring, and because of this, she is a great example of how to “work outside the box” to build a solid career in a changing environment.
Kenji & Jimi will be sharing many of the secrets they use to develop artists when artist development is not even a term in the industry anymore. You will learn how to look at stuff you may never have considered to help build YOUR careers, and resources to generate revenue NOW.
Stuff like this usually costs a lot to attend, but for February 5th, it’s FREE!
Miyabi Music Publishing @ SongNet
February 5th, 7:30 PM
@ The Urban Homestead
631 Cypress ave, Pasadena, CA.
Near Orange Grove & Fair Oaks
WEDNESDAY January 15, 2020, 7:30-10:00pm
One of the most comfortable stages in Southern California to showcase your music! A place to “test drive” your new material and connect with other creatives; songwriters, artists, and performers! Sign
up early if you want to play, 2 songs or 10 minutes per artist! No fee,
no cover, in other words, FREE. RSVP to showcase@songnet.info .
The SongNet At Urban Homestead
631 Cypress Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103
WEDNESDAY January 8, 2020, 7:30pm-10:00pm

Joanne Ledesma
Joanne now has one of the largest music libraries around, and is always looking for new music!
We do these a couple times a year, & every time it’s a full house, because not only is it an opportunity to have YOUR work heard by an industry pro, it’s also a great way to meet others, hear what’s out there competing for the same spots, and getting great real-world response from both Joanne and the crowd. Her full cred is listed several places (including links on our website & social media) so you can just go there if you want, or just come with your BEST on CD (lyric sheets too) & see why she is always welcomed back again & again to talk about what it takes to make it & how YOU can make it happen…and maybe have YOUR stuff go home with her! FREE!
The SongNet At Urban Homestead
631 Cypress Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103
Near Fair Oaks and Orange Grove