Every year at our Showcase in March, we have our Awards Night. We give an award to SongNet members who have published a CD or album in the previous year.
Awards night this year is March 18, 2020. Below is a history of how the Awards Night got started.

On March 2nd, 2005, Jim Potkey, our ShowCase director at the time, announced from stage that there was going to be an “awards show” at our March 16th showcase. It hadn’t been discussed, Jimi didn’t know about it & was a lil’ concerned, ‘cuz he believes art should be appreciated, not judged, & is personally about as anti-contest as you can get. Turned out to be a surprise birthday party & tribute for Jimi which included some industry friends like John Braheny, Tess Taylor, Ryan Vinson, Travis Allen & others, & a lineup filled with headliners. Tess & John even got up & gave him props. Wow! Being recognized by some of the most honored & reputable people in the industry is quite humbling.
Because, Jimi said, “it’s really not about me.”
On March 2nd, 2005, Jim Potkey, our ShowCase director at the time, announced from stage that there was going to be an “awards show” at our March 16th showcase. It hadn’t been discussed, Jimi didn’t know about it & was a lil’ concerned, ‘cuz he believes art should be appreciated, not judged, & is personally about as anti-contest as you can get. Turned out to be a surprise birthday party & tribute for Jimi which included some industry friends like John Braheny, Tess Taylor, Ryan Vinson, Travis Allen & others, & a lineup filled with headliners. Tess & John even got up & gave him props. Wow! Being recognized by some of the most honored & reputable people in the industry is quite humbling.
Because, Jimi said, “it’s really not about me.”
Over 4 decades in this industry has shown Jimi that there are thousands of artists far more deserving of success. He’s fortunate & honored enough that his friends would take a few moments out of their day to listen to what he has to offer both in writings & music. Glad to know he has helped someone feel good, or provided empowerment & encouragement when they needed it. And fortunate enough to call some of the finest songwriters & musicians in the world friends, though many of them struggle in relative obscurity because they’re either unaware of the opportunities available to them, or were really unsure of the value of their work.
Releasing a physically recorded collection is one of the biggest milestones in an artist’s career. It is a validation that they have created something tangible that is worthy of being shared anywhere in the world.
SongNet recognizes the amount of effort, time & resources required to actually get that project to market, so the SongNet Awards nite has become an opportunity for artists to be recognized for their achievement at a special showcase in March, honoring artists who released a CD in the previous year.
To be recognized, artists need to email us using the Contact Form no later than March 1st, & be available to perform 2 or 3 songs live @ the March showcase. Bringing some discs to sell is also important.